Saturday, March 29, 2008

Stretch 1-2-3

Ike's already started doing arobics. Now when there is something he wants, he does just about anything to get it. Atleast he was reaching for the wooden spoon and not the steak knife.


Tamster said...

LOL! That's very cute! :-)

JACK!E said...

Looks like Gavin helping me do dishes. Whenever he 'helps' I always find cheetos and whatever else in there waiting to get washed with the dirty dishes. Cute Cute!

Holly said...

Thanks for updating the blog so often! I've really missed you guys. Now that I'm back, you're leaving. :( At least I can look at darling pictures to stay updated on Ike's life. Love you guys!

jen said...

They only get more helpful! It's fun though as long as you aren't in a hurry:). I love his near back bend.