Monday, March 3, 2008

My 9 month check up

Ike had his 9 month check up today. He was a good boy the whole time, even when his mean ol' grandma gave him a shot. I'm sure he'll forget it was you who made him cry.

His weight is 16 pounds 6 ounces which is about a 3% which I guess means he's teeny tiny. The doctor said I need to feed him more. His length is 27.5 Inches which puts him in the 27%tile. I guess all my telling him to stay little is working. But we'll try feeding him more and see if that works.


jen said...

He doesn't seem tiny to me. His cheeks have me fooled.

JACK!E said...

I can't believe it! I think he is smaller than Gavin. He always looks bigger from what I can see in the pictures! We are going to the 9 mo check up on Thurs so we'll see. I'll post the stats.

Brittany said...

My kid gained over a pound since leaving the hospital. I could always feed ike, I've got PLENTY.