Saturday, March 29, 2008

Stretch 1-2-3

Ike's already started doing arobics. Now when there is something he wants, he does just about anything to get it. Atleast he was reaching for the wooden spoon and not the steak knife.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ladies Boy

Ike had two play dates this week with two cute girls. Monday my friend from work Brianne stopped by with her cutie Reese. She is actually about 2 months younger than Ike but weighs a bit more. He immediately went up to her and wanted to play, she had some personal space issues and wasn't loving his attention. Some day she will realize what she missed out on.
On Tuesday I met up with my friend Hannah at the park. She has a cutie that is about 3 months older than Ike. She is walking around and eating raw carrots, he'll be there soon. He had a lot of fun at the park, especially the baby swing, he liked the wind in his face, he takes after his dad there, I hate wind in my face. Give Ike a few more years and I'm sure he'll have his share of girlfriends.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why is Ike so cute?

I'm often asked. OK not really, but I like to think it has something to do with all the cute clothes Ryan and I found.

Ryan got him these cute checker board vans. They are still a little big but I couldn't resist doing pictures in them. Only problem is Ike was so fascinated by them he wouldn't stand up, all he wanted to do was put them in his mouth.
I have a new respect for Kiddie Kandid.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Ike's first Easter, saved by Aunt Holly.
I'm embarrassed to say I wasn't going to get Ike an Easter basket this year. I figure he's too young to remember and it's not like he can even eat candy. Given that logic I feel even worse when I remember that I made Oskar (our dog) an Easter basket one year. Thankfully Ike has an Aunt who likes to spoil him and had this cute basket waiting for him at his Grandma's house. It had this cute shape sorter, 5 books and some Easter eggs. He was excited to see it. Thank you Holly, you saved the day.
Happy Easter Everyone!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ike's not a baby anymore

He looks like such a big boy compared to Baby Owen. Isn't Owen sweet, I need to see and smooch him more. Ike still has about 3 pounds before he's out of this car seat, then he really will be a big boy. So Sad. Stay small baby Ike, I mean it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

pop pop pop

Grandpa Dennis taught Ike a new trick. Ike is really excited about it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't you pinch me

So I don't match but atleast it's Green!
Happy St. Patricks Day

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My camera missed it

Uncle Jason was playing with Ike and making him laugh really good by putting this little red cowboy hat on his head. It was so cute I grabbed my camera, but my battery must have been low because it took forever to take the pic or it wouldn't focus. I still managed to get a really sweet shot of baby boy, and I learned my lesson of keeping my battery charged.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Foux da fa fa

I had to show off this cute outfit that my friend Jacqui got for Ike in Paris, that's right France bebe. It has a cute hooded sweater that goes with the outfit too. It's even cuter in person as you can imagine, but then so is Ike.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rubber Ducky, Your the one

Ike loves taking a bath. And he loves his rubber ducky. I probably should have taken him to swimming lessons but I have an aversion to public swimming pools, water, and the sight of me in a swim suit. He probably would have enjoyed it though.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cruis'n on a sunday afternoon

Ok so it was actually Saturday evening but by the time you look at this it will be sunday afternoon. Ike still isn't crawling on his hands but he gets where he wants to go pretty quick. He's become a lot more active in the last few days, when you hold him he just wiggles and turns till you put him down, then he heads for something he's not suppose to get into. I know this is just the beginning, can't wait.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Who you calling skinny

Don't be calling Ike skinny, it upsets him. Ok so he may be a little smaller than other babies his age but so what. If they did percentile for cuteness he would be off the charts.

It's all good
Look at that ponch, does that look like a 3% tummy. OK so maybe I'm taking it a little personal that the doctor said he hasn't been gaining weight like he should. Well call me a bad mom but I found a solution. I mixed a little Gatorade G2 into his oatmeal. He ate it up.

Monday, March 3, 2008

My 9 month check up

Ike had his 9 month check up today. He was a good boy the whole time, even when his mean ol' grandma gave him a shot. I'm sure he'll forget it was you who made him cry.

His weight is 16 pounds 6 ounces which is about a 3% which I guess means he's teeny tiny. The doctor said I need to feed him more. His length is 27.5 Inches which puts him in the 27%tile. I guess all my telling him to stay little is working. But we'll try feeding him more and see if that works.