Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Don't ask me

Ike got some new cute Robot pajama's. I really like them, only thing is the feet are really long. I'm not sure if Ike's feet are especially short or if whoever designed it has a clown baby.

Ike found them very entertaining. He was contorting and twisting pulling his feet. They also frustrated him because when he was getting around he would keep stepping on the toe and couldn't move his foot. It was funny until he kept doing it and started crying.

12 Month Check-Up Stats
Head size 18.5 inches 69%
Height 29 inches 25.7%
Weight 18.25 pounds 2.13%
*in his defense he was sick last week and lost a lot of weight, we weighed him a month ago and he was 19 pounds. I'm going to take him in in a month to weigh him again.


Brittany said...

Ike's so cute even if his head is bigger in proportion to the rest of his body! (In %, you can't tell by looking at him).

jen said...

Those feet are hilarious. It looks like they would fit my 6 year old. The pajamas are adorable though!!!

Kristy said...

You know its all relative. My friend's son was 18 lbs. at 4 months! He's adorable just the way he is!

Holly said...

Holy crap, those feet are long!!! I got a good laugh out of it! :)

Shari said...

thats where katelyn mesured out last appointment. except she was only 1% for weight. :0 At least they're easier to cary around.