Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Vegas Baby!

I call this bed!

Ike went on his first plane trip to Vegas, he did awesome, slept the whole way there and back. Emily was nice enough to watch him while Ryan and I went to the BYU game. Ike got a lot of Daddy time being strapped to him in his baby bjorn. Ryan decided he doesn't like grown men making faces at him across the bus. Poor Ryan got pointed and laughed at more than he's ever had before. If Ike weren't so darn cute.


jen said...

Ike looks so cute on that big bed. I want that bed! Maybe we'll see ya this weekend!

Holly said...

Ike is the cutest boy EVER!

Anonymous said...

As soon as that picture loaded I totally started to giggle- that is just awesome! He is so cute. That bed it awesome.