Sunday, November 30, 2008

A week of being a two year old

I'm not sure if the haircut was inspired by the behavior or the behavior was inspired by the haircut. But for about a week around the time I gave Ike a mohawk he acted like a bratty two year old. Throwing tantrums, crying if the littlest thing upset him. I seriously thought I was going to loose my mind. But I must have done something right because after about a week he kind of snapped out of it. He still throws little ones or does the hands up back arch when he's not happy but nothing like that week. He's been the sweetest little boy up till now. Then Jason had to go and say 'maybe Ike is just always going to be perfect', then a couple days later it started. Thanks alot Jason.
I think I have my sweet boy back now, knock on wood.

1 comment:

Riding said...

Penguin is such a bad example. Any time Ike acts up, you can blame it my child.