Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dino Museum

Ike and I finally went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. We met up with my new friend Rachel and her 5 year old boy Daniel. He was very cute and helpful showing me and Ike all the cool stuff at the Museum.

At the end they have an area with sand where you can brush away the sand to reveal the dino bones. Ike was a little freaked out by the sand at first but quickly got over it and ended up playing in there for a long time with his new friend. It was a good day with new friends.


Rainey said...

Duncan loves the mohawk! Nice going Ike! Good luck with the dig!

Shari said...

I love his little mohawk.

Cate said...

Collin keeps saying he wants to go to Utah for Christmas - I think mainly to go to TGP and see the dinos...