Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sleep would be good

About 2 weeks ago I decided to move Ike to his room. He had been sleeping in a Pack-n-Play in our room. He was getting to the point where he was sleeping til about 5am 2 to 3 days a week and usually at least 3am most other days. Once we moved him to his room he's woken up at 1:30am every night. I'll feed him and try to put him down again but I usually just end up with him in the bed with us til morning. Last night was the exception he actually slept till 2:48am.
I have two things I'm going to start doing to see if maybe that will help.
1. I'm going to start feeding him solids.
2. I'm going to start putting him to bed an hour earlier.
If anyone has any other ideas I'm all ears.


jen said...

Sleep is tricky little thing. I have no advice. I think in my experience some kids just sleep through the night and some don't. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Sleep is tricky- I totally second that. You can have great sleepers and for no reason they just switch on you. My girls both have a hard time sleeping through when they are teething, then they are fine. I am one of those moms who let them cry it out- at least I did with Mya. It worked so well that I only had to do it twice and then on occasion. With Kaylee I just don't have it in me every time, which is confusing for her I am sure. I just got a bunch of parenting books from the library so I will let you know if I come across anything.

Brittany said...

Yeah, good luck. Christian is almost 3 and has started waking up every night. THe only cure is to get rid of your children!

Les said...

One word, Robo.