Sunday, November 18, 2007

Best Buds

Jace's favorite thing to do with Ike is play 'this little piggy' with his toes. It's very cute. Jace is the first one to get Ike to laugh. I can understand, Jace is a pretty funny kid, very creative and smart, he's always coming up with new things to entertain the troops with. Even though he gets mad when people laugh at him. We can't help it Jace you are too darn cute.

I had to do a compare and contrast picture. Too bad Ike was in a blanket so you can't tell just how small he was. ah I miss his full head of hair, but it's coming back, it's just not as dark.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

When Jace grew his hair out, Ike lost all of his... conspiracy?? I think so!