Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Creepy, I Know

Yes that's my hair, and yes it's not on my head, it's attached to a pillow that Ike sleeps with now. So far it's been responsible for two uninterrupted nights sleep, not consecutively however. I made it a while ago and kind of kept it hidden cause I thought Ryan would make fun of me. I wasn't going to post about it but Ryan outed me to his family and they thought it was "hairlarious", and that I had to. Since you asked, I sectioned out a narrow row from the middle of the back of my hair, put a rubber band around it, cut it, super glued it, then sewed it into the pillow. It's actually quite secure, more so than my head. I know I'm probably just reinforcing some weird hair fetish in my son but if it gets me a few more hours sleep and a less pulling out of the hair on my head then so be it.


jen said...

My friend Nikki's little girl Marina is now 6 years old and she still carries "haircut" around. I think it's sweet!

JACK!E said...

I would never have thought to do something like that. Hey, if its working...

Brittany said...

I LOVE IT! You are hilarious! Owen is starting to grab hair, and mine is so much thinner than yours, so could you make him a hair pillow?? We could die it blonde to like like mine. I still cant believe you cut that off of your hair!

Anonymous said...

I C yur bitz and theyz freaky. Ha Ha!

Us parents will go to any lengths for our kids, won't we?

Cate said...

You're so awsome! Ths is definately going to be a story he can tell 'the kids' someday.
So, Samson cut his hair and lost his strength, you cut your hair and get to sleep...