Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gingerbread Fun

We started a little tradition of making Gingerbread houses with the kids last year for Christmas. Last year Christian was the only one there to eat all the candy. This year we had Jace hiding under the table eating whatever he could get his hands on. Ike trying to be distracted by Grandma and Grandpa, and Christian driving cars through the red hots. Needless to say, the adults did the decorating as fast as they could while the kids were distracted.

Gratuitous shot of the gingerbread house I made.

What a lovely little town of gingerbread houses we made. I think every ones turned out really cute.


Anonymous said...

Your house looks awesome! I still can't decide if we are going to do one again this year. It feels kinda lack luster with just us- maybe if I planned a gingerbread party it would feel more grand!

jen said...

What a beautiful house you made! Next year Ike will be trying really hard to help. Thanks for the idea though. I think we'll do that next week.

Chowza said...

Martha Stewart would be proud. I like the use of twizzlers/red vines and red hots on the house.