Friday, December 7, 2007


I was talking to my friend Tiffany at work yesterday telling her how incredibly tired I was because I can't get Ike to sleep past 12:30 before he has to come into bed with me. She suggested putting one of my shirts I'd been wearing in his crib with him so he can still smell me and maybe think I'm sleeping next to him. I tried it last night. Miracle of miracles he slept till 6:30 am without a peep, and would have slept longer if I didn't need him to eat. Tiffany is my favorite person today. Thanks!


jen said...

Wow that's great advice. I'll use it one day when I'm ready to move Kody out of my bed. I can't believe he's 6 months old!!!

Kelli said...
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Brittany said...

I dod this once with my dog, it worked great! Good to know that it works on humans.