Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Day Ike Laughed

I have to document this. Today Ike laughed for the first time (that I saw).
We went out for Ryan's birthday last night and left Ike with his Aunts and Grandparents. When we got back Ryan's mom informed me that Emily and Jace were making Ike laugh. Well I choose to not believe it because I want to be the first to make him laugh. So today I was singing (badly) Jesus wants me for a sunbeam while I was changing his diaper and he laughed. It was so cute. I'm sure I'll be able to catch in on film soon and hopefully without me singing in the background. Hope you all get to see him laugh soon.

1 comment:

Sarah Bellum said...

I can't wait to see it in person. I miss that cute little munchkin. I need a fix of baby head smell soon.