Friday, December 12, 2008

Like Dadda's like Ike

Ike likes to play with the playstation controller any chance he gets. I have a feeling he's a budding gammer, just like his dadda.

You'd think he was really playing something, but he's just excited to have the remote all to himself.
Ryan is out of town for a couple of days and we miss him already. Come home safely Daddy, we'll keep the PS3 warm for you.


Riding said...

Good luck passing all the levels, Ike. My 33 year old husband has yet to pass Tony Hawk's project 8.

We have an X-box, which is fun for rockband, but the Wii looks like so much more fun.

Next time you come over, I will have to bust out the drums and guitar for you and Liam.

Debra Stevenson Hager said...

I'm up before 6am reading blogs! Also up at 11, 12 & since 4:45. Micah is up also so at least she is taking care of baby. Going to work on the sleep thing right after christmas!

Rainey said...

I love his "adidas" sweats. Donavon had a pair when he was a babe. Ahhh memories. He is the cutest little boy ever! Ike I miss you!!!!