Monday, October 13, 2008

An ode to Daisy

My good friend Sarah has a one eyed Pug named Daisy, who I was lucky enough to live with for a time. So when I saw this costume for Ike I had to put it on the short list for Halloween.
It's really cute and turns Ike into a big cuddly stuffed animal that can give you hugs and kisses. When I put it on Ike in the store he made his doggy noise, 'wuf wuf'.
I haven't decided for sure to keep it though only because I bought a Large at Target which is size 3-4T and it's still short in the torso for him. Ike barely fits in his 12 month clothes so there is something seriously off with this one. Also the zipper kind of sticks and a couple others at the store had broken zippers and snaps which makes me nervous.
But I had to get some pics, if nothing else to show Sarah the second cutest pug in town.

1 comment:

Riding said...

He could be Run-Doggy-MC.