Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thank you Daddy

When I got home from California my Daddy had a present for me. All the Yo Gabba Gabba dolls for me to play with.

I think I like Foofa the best cause she's pretty and pink. Thanks daddy I love them and you.


jen said...

I love Yo Gabba Gabba. Cool.

JACK!E said...

Right when we saw those at Target Gary said, "You have to call Marjorie!" I'm glad he got to take Ryan there before you guys got home. Ike made out much better than Gavin. All Gavin got was Brobee.

Shari said...

We now have cable ov here in Midway and I had never seen that show before. The other day it was on and I was cooking dinner, Katelyn sat down to watch it and now she's glued. I have to say its kind of a dorky show, but I guess it is suppose to grab a toddlers attention.

Riding said...

What a thrifty, hip Dad. Much better deal then Kid Robot.
Hey Ike, Liam wants to do the Biz Beat of the Day with you!