I forgot to post the pictures from when Emily and I went to Thanksgiving Point to see the animals. I would have gone earlier if I would have known it's only 3.50, although I really need to just buy a pass then I can go all I want.
I love this shot of Jace, I think just for the symmetry and lighting, not to mention the frog boots. Ike wouldn't actually ride the horse by himself. I had to be right next to him with his arm wrapped around mine, but despite a little freak out right at first he did really well and actually kind of liked it. The goats are fun too, they have the tiniest little pygmy baby goats, what are those called, who knows. Almost made me wish I would have gotten one for Ryan for Christmas last year, but not really. Ok does the top third of this picture remind anyone else of 'the emporors new grove'? Here's Bucky the goat, I thought his smile was too cute.Ah, what you got there Jace? Quote of the day from Jace "It's so hot out here, makes me just want to go inside and milk a cow" out of context that is a very bizaare statement but funny just the same.
He looks so big and grown up. We can't wait to see you guys!
Oooooh, that's cheap. I want to go!
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